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Jupyter Kernel for Deno

Available since 1.37.0

Deno ships with a built-in Jupyter kernel that allows you to write JavaScript and TypeScript; use Web and Deno APIs and import npm packages straight in your interactive notebooks.

deno jupyter is currently unstable

deno jupyter is currently an unstable feature and thus requires the --unstable flag. We intend to stabilize this feature in an upcoming release.


Run deno jupyter --unstable and follow the instructions.

You can run deno jupyter --unstable --install to force installation of the kernel. Deno assumes that jupyter command is available in your PATH.

After completing the installation process, the Deno kernel will be available in notebook creation dialog.

Jupyter notebook kernel selection

You can use Deno Jupyter kernel in any editor that supports Jupyter notebooks, eg. in VSCode, you can use VSCode Jupyter extension, while in JetBrains IDEs Jupyter notebooks should be available out of the box.

Rich content output

Deno Jupyter kernel allows you to display rich content in your notebooks using MIME types that Jupyter supports.

To do that, you need to return any JavaScript object that has a [Symbol.for("Jupyter.display")] method. This method should return a dictionary mapping a MIME type to a value that should be displayed.

[Symbol.for("Jupyter.display")]() {
return {
// Plain text content
"text/plain": "Hello world!",

// HTML output
"text/html": "<h1>Hello world!</h1>",

Since it's just a function, you can use any library you want to format the output. This is not tied to Deno itself in any way, because we're using a regular JavaScript symbol index.

jupyter console integration

You can also use Deno Jupyter kernel in the jupyter console REPL. To do that, you should launch your console with jupyter console --kernel deno.

Using the Deno kernel in a CLI